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Thematic Research Areas

Data Analytics (DA)

Data analytics is concerned with the problem of extracting useful information that may not be immediately evident from possibly very large sets of data, and the study of methods and tools for this purpose. Data analytics can on the one hand be characterized simply as inference, a topic studied as part of mathematical statistics and other fields, but the term is usually used to emphasize certain aspects such as the large amount of data, the heterogeneity of the data, or the need for distributed or real time processing.

ACCESS has many ongoing activities that fall within the area of data analytics, including: network data analysis and performance prediction; distributed optimization; data fusion for inertial sensor and network aided positioning; recovery of missing data and sparse estimation; biomedical data processing and analysis; and system identification. The TA on Data Analytics aims to consolidate these efforts and support new efforts within this area.

Coordinator: Saikat Chatterjee

Vice coordinator: Joakim Jaldén

Software Defined Networking (SDN)

SDN generally refers to new networking solutions where functions previously performed by hardware are now performed in software. This, on one side provides increased flexibility and hopefully increased network efficiency, on the other side requires the rethinking of many networking functions from the physical to higher layers. 

With background in signal processing, communication theory, networking and computer science, the objective of the Technical Area is to address fundamental issued of SDNs, such as the definition of analytic performance models, the evaluation of the efficiency of learning based control, and the programmability of the network functions.​

Coordinator: Viktoria Fodor

Vice coordinator: Rolf Stadler

Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

CPS is a system that relies on the integration of physical, computation, and communication processes. An example is embedded computers and wireless networks that monitor and control physical processes, including feedback loops over wireless links where physical processes affect the computations, and vice versa.

The research area Embedded Systems is a precursor of CPS where the focus is only on the computational elements. CPS is challenging in general because of the physical components introduce safety and reliability requirements that are qualitatively different from those in computing. Applications of CPS can be found in smart transportations, power grids, smart buildings, smart homes, data centres, health care and wellbeing support systems.

Coordinator: Henrik Sandberg

Vice coordinator: Dimos Dimarogonas

Security, Privacy and Trust (SPT)

SPT Thematic Area (TA) comprises a diverse set of activities across the Schools of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The focus is on devising methods and developing technologies to safeguard systems and their users, notably state-of-the-art and emerging systems as those considered in past and other current ACCESS TAs.

In brief, the SPT TA members are concerned with the design, analysis, verification, implementation and empirical evaluation of secure and privacy-preserving systems; including but not restricted to: network security, software security, cyber-physical security, privacy enhancing technologies, cryptography.

This new TA responds to the increasing importance of its subject matter and the need to render modern and future networked information systems trustworthy. In that sense, it equips ACCESS with a new transversal (by nature and to the other TAs) activity that can catalyze research and education synergies and broaden the related agendas at KTH, spearhead international collaborations, and strengthen outreach.  

Coordinator: Panagiotis (Panos) Papadimitratos

Vice coordinator: Tobias Oechtering


Tillhör: ACCESS Linnaeus Centre
Senast ändrad: 2019-03-27