ACCESS Distinguished Lecture Series on Video
As scientists and citizens we feel a particular need to be better informed, and to learn the larger picture. ACCESS Distinguished Lecture Series brings eminent speakers from prestigious universities to KTH from around the world. As part of ACCESS mission to interface with society many of these lectures extend to broader popular areas of interest, such as the sub-prime crisis, the roles that popularity and novelty play in eliciting attention in the Web or systems for intelligent buildings and environmental monitoring.
DLS seminars 2019:
"The Deep Learning in Physical Layer Communications", April 11th 2019
Professor Dr Geoffrey Ye Li, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology
ACCESS DLS 2019-04-11, Professor Dr Geoffrey Ye Li
DLS seminars 2018:
"Reconfigurable Distributed MIMO for Physical-layer Security in Mobile Networks", Sep 13th 2018
Professor Zygmunt Haas, University of Texas Dallas
ACCESS DLS 2018-09-13, Prof Zygmunt Haas
"How to Measure Network Flexibility? A Proposal for Evaluating Softwarized Networks", June 20th, 2018
Professor Wolfgang Kellerer, Technical University Munich, Germany
ACCESS DLS 2018-06-20, Prof Wolfang Kellerer
"The Time-Traveling Networking Researcher: Witnessing the consolidation and fragmentation of the Internet?", June 11th, 2018
Professor Mostafa H. Ammar, School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
ACCESS DLS 2018-06-11, Prof Mostafa Ammar
"Information and Graph Theoretical Machinery for Neuro-engineering", May 30th, 2018
Professor Behnaam Aazhang, RICE University Electrical and Computer Engineering, Houston, Texas USA
ACCESS DLS 2018-05-30, Prof Behnaam Aazhang
"Optimal Power Flow: Online Algorithm and Fast Dynamics"
Professor Steven Low, Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Caltech, USA
"Life long learning in computer and robot vision"
Associate Professor Barbara Caputo, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Cloud Radio Access Networks: Capacity, Optimization, and Duality
- Professor Wei Yu, University of Toronto, Canada
Safe Learning
- Professor Claire Tomlin University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Running software in uncertain environments: how diversification and approximation can enhance robustness
Dr. Benoit Baudry from INRIA, France
Learning Sparsifying Transforms for Signal, Image, and Video Processing
Professor Yoram Bresler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Convexity, Sparsity, Nullity and all that….
Professor Hamid Krim, North Carolina State University, USA
Recent Advances in Embedded Model Predictive Control
Professor Alberto Bemporad
Formal methods and continuous change: towards a happy marriage
Professor Carlo Ghezzi
50 years after the software crisis: what did we learn
Professor Giuliano Antoniol, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Optimal Control of Wireless Networks: From Theory to Practice
Professor Eytan Modiano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Scalable Software Testing and Verification Through Heuristic Search and Optimization: Experiences and Lessons Learned
Professor Lionel C. Briand, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Impact of Clustering on the Performance of Network De-anonymization
Professor Emilio Leonardi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
From Automatic Verification to Code Synthesis
Professor Doron Peled, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Biological Communication Channels: Engineered and Natural
Professor Urbashi Mitra, USC, USA
Stochastic Network Calculus: A System Theory for the Internet
Professor Markus Fidler, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
"MOOCs, seriously"
Professor Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL, Switzerland
A Journey Towards Model-based Engineering for Manufacturing
Dr. Vijay Srinivasan, NIST, USA.
Random Matrix Theory for 5G Systems: how complexity leads to simplicity
Professor Merouane Debbah, Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Synchronization and Intervention in Flocks with Large Population
Professor Lei Guo, The Chinese Academy of Science, China
Sensing everywhere: on quantitative verification for ubiquitous computing
Professor Marta Kwiatkowska, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK
Low-Complexity Scheduling Policies for Achieving Throughput and Delay Optimality in Multi-channel (OFDM) Downlink Systems
Professor Ness Shroff, The Ohio State University, USA
Network Layer Trust in Content-Centric Networking
Professor Gene Tsudik, University of California Irvine, USA
Dancing with the Adversary: a Tale of Wimps and Giants
Professor Virgil Gligor, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
Randomized Methods in Game Theory with Applications to Network Security
Professor João Hespanha, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Online Learning and Adaptation over Networks
Professor Ali H. Sayed, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Robust Estimation in Signal Processing
Professor Abdelhak Zoubir, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Spectrum - From Mining to Recycling
Professor Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University, USA
Games, Privacy and Distributed Inference for the Smart Grid
Professor H. Vincent Poor, Princeton University, USA
There is more to Internet measurement than meets the eye
Dr. Walter Willinger, Chief Scientist, Niksun Inc., Princeton, USA
Community Detection and the Labeled Stochastic Block Model
Dr. Laurent Massoulie, Director of the Microsoft Research - Inria Joint Centre, Paris, France
Early Developent of Automatic Control in Sweden
Professor Karl Johan Åström, Lund University, Sweden
Cyber-Physical Systems Challenge for Model-based Design
Professor Janos Sztipanovits, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Statistical Physics of Compressed Sensing
Professor Marc Mézard, Ecole normale supérieure and LPTMS - Univ. Paris Sud, CNRS, France
Monitoring Policy Compliance
Cyber-physical systems with Human in the loop
From Transistors to the Smart Earth, the evolution of design methods and tools in the last 35 years
Caching in an information-centric network: exploring the memory bandwidth tradeoff
Defying Nyquist in Analog to Digital Conversion
Massive MIMO and Dense Deployment of Small Cells: How to Achieve a 100-fold Capacity Increase in Wireless Networks
Mean Field Methods for Computer and Communication Systems
Foundation of Digital Signal Processing: Signal Spaces, System Representation, and Quantization Effects
Information Gradients and the Acquisition of Knowledge from Data
The increasing role of verification in software development
Robust Communications through Decentralized, Backhaul Limited, Wireless Networks
Stability & Selection in Game Theoretic Learning
On Synchronization and Security in Power Networks
The marriage between random access and codes on graphs: Coded slotted ALOHA does not need retransmissions
Coordinated Aggregation of Demand-side Distributed Resources
Some Perspectives on Scaling Wireless Capacity
Algebraic Structure in Network Information Theory
Info Randomness and Coherence in Large Networks: dimension-dependent and multi-scale effects of feedback
Information Networks and Cooperative Communications
Kalman and Kalman Bucy @ 50: Distributed and Intermittency
A Statistical Mechanical Approach to Compressed Sensing
Living in the WAM Continuum: Unified Design and Operation of Wireless and Mobile Networks
Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Control Challenges in Powertrain, Combustion and Drilling Control
Keith Glover, Cambridge University, U.K
Geography and Communities in Complex Networks
The max-pressure controller for arbitrary networks of signalized intersections
Signal processing for systems biology
Exploiting information to improve control of large-scale manufacturing systems [2011-02-17]
Dawn Tilbury, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
The Development of Raptor Codes [2011-01-31]
Amin Shokrollahi from EPFL, Switzerland
Some models of information aggregation and consensus in networks [2011-01-18]
John Tsitsiklis, MIT
Download John Tsitsiklis's presentation (pdf 7,3 MB)
Cloud Computing: Foundation Technologies and Research Challenges [2010-10-12]
Giovanni Pacifici, IBM Research, USA
Back to the roots: Solving polynomial systems with numerical linear algebra tools [2010-11-12]
Bart De Moor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Download Bart De Moor´s presentation (pdf 1,7 MB)
Stable throughput, rate control, and delay in multi-access channels [2010-09-27]
Professor Anthony Ephremides from University of Maryland in College Park, USA
Spatially Coupled Codes -- A New Paradigm for Code Design [2010-06-28]
Speaker: Professor Rüdiger Urbanke, EPFL, Schweiz
Opportunistic Vehicle Routing [2010-05-31]
Speaker: Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA
Statistical data mining law and some applications [2010-05-18]
Speaker: Professor Peter Stoica, Uppsala University, Information Technology Department, Division of Systems and Control.
Multi-Channel Wireless Networks: Theory to Practice [2010-05-07]
Speaker: Professor Nitin Vaidya, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Bringing network coding into the network [2010-03-05]
Speaker: Muriel Médard from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
The Third Generation of Control Systems [2010-02-02]
Speaker: Professor P. R. Kumar, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Software verification for ubiquitous computing [2010-01-28]
Professor Marta Kwiatkowska, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, United Kingdom